
Geen program "Adopt a public space!" from Ungheni is the best local politics in Moldova, designated by IDIS "Viitorul"

2019.02.28 Administrație publică Ana-Maria Veverița Print version


The 10 best and worst local and regional development policies in Moldova implemented in November 2018 – January 2019 were identified and evaluated by members of an Evaluation Board at the IDIS "Viitorul" and INEKO invitation. The activity aims to describe sustainable, time-lasting policies that can be transferred to other communities, ultimately improving the quality of local and regional development policies.

Public policies were measured on the basis of two methodologically approved criteria, taking into account their importance for the community and their sustainability. Thus, the members of the Evaluation Board assessed and ranked the policies analyzed by (a) quality, a criterion that range between -3 and 3 and (b) the relevance of this policy for the community and economy, ie the impact it produces, using a scale percent from 0 to 100%. The multiplication of these two criteria represents the final score for each policy, which ranges between -300 and 300 points. 

According to the analysis, the best five local public policies in our country refer to the green education program "Adopt a public space!" from Ungheni - with a final score of 229.0 points, the "Dor de Codru" tourist route in the Center region of Moldova - 222.5 points, the ethno-tourist complex from the village of Congaz, which opened its doors for visitors in November 2018 - 201.7 points, the modern waste management service in Hâncești rayon, with a final score of 198.6 points, and the Cultural House in the village of Carmanova, renovated with European support, a policy that earned a final score of 194.1 points. 

Thus, public spaces in Ungheni will become more attractive thanks to the green education and urban planning program "Adopt a public space!", inspired by the Town Hall of Cluj-Napoca from România. The program implies the adoption of a three-year public space by any economic agent, public institution or non-governmental organization in Ungheni for the purpose of its arrangement and maintenance. Institutions that will adopt a public space will develop their own landscaping projects, plant decorative trees and flowers and decorate them for holidays. "The initiative in Ungheni is a unique initiative in the country and is based on an innovative concept that deserves to be replicated, promoted and followed. The concept will create new connections and collaboration between local government and other local actors, such as the private sector and civil society", says Diana Enachi, member of the Evaluation Board. For the successful implementation of the program, the Ungheni Town Hall will sign a cooperation protocol with each institution that will adopt a public space, and in the case of non-compliance with the commitments, the land will be proposed to others for "adoption".

The Central region of our country is also a remarkable tourist destination. In this sense, Cioreşti (Nisporeni rayon), Dolna and Micleuşeni (Străşeni rayon) villages created the "Dor de Codru" tourist route. The route includes six tourist routes: ecological, fishing, cultural, gastronomic, historical-religious and sports. In this sense, many picturesque places, secular treasures, popular craftsmen and agro-tourist boarding houses are among the 20 objectives included in the route launched at the beginning of November 2018. At Cioreşti visitors can admire the works of the famous craftsman Zaharia Triboi, the only popular craftsman in Moldova, which creates objects of black ceramics, Micleușeni guest can taste the famous honey from the "The House of Honey", and at Dolna will visit the Conch-museum and the cellar of the boyar Zamfirache Arbore-Ralli. The project was carried out with financial support from the government of Switzerland, local authorities and natives. "On the one hand, the new tourist route is an important project that will develop community spirit within localities and inter-communal relations, less developed skills. On the other hand, it is premature to talk about the quality of the project because it is only at the initial stage", believes Igor Bucătaru, member of the Evaluation Board.

Another policy that highlights the tourist potential is the first ethno-tourist complex in the Gagauz style in the Republic of Moldova, entitled "Gagauz Sofrasi". The ethno-touristic complex opened on 6 November 2018 in the village of Congaz, includes four traditional peasant houses with clay walls and reed roof, a museum, a wine cellar, a restaurant with a national-style patio, a mini-hotel, and a festive hall. Visitors to the "Gagauz Sofrasi" complex can get to know the traditions and history of the countryside enjoy traditional Gagauz cuisine and the best wines in the area and even participate in gourmet workshops. The complex can accommodate up to 20 people and is built entirely of organic materials. "This project contributes to the promotion of ethno-cultural and tourist traditions, adding value to the economy of Congaz village", considers Ștefan Vlas, member of the Evaluation Board. The "Gagauz Sofrasi" complex was built with the European support.  

The members of the Evaluation Board also assessed two negative policies that show certain violations of the principles of transparency. There are two cases that were publicized in media, but which must be appreciated by the competent institutions, namely the possible conflict of interest in Căuşeni, where the Town Hall signs procurement contracts with the wife and father-in-law of the mayor Grigore Repeşciuc, but also the falsification of the public procurement acts by the Town Hall of Chișinău municipality.

This summary is the fifth and final edition of the series of policies and actions of public interest initiated or implemented locally between November 2018 and January 2019.  The first edition was launched in February 2018, including 13 policies – Summary of best and worst 13 local and regional measures in Moldova (November 2017 – January 2018), while the second edition covered 11 local and regional policies and was presented in May this year - Summary of best and worst 11 local and regional measures in Moldova (February – April 2018). And in July the Summary of best and worst 10 local and regional measures in Moldova (May-July 2018) was presented, the evaluation being at the third edition. The fourth edition of the Summary of best and worst 10 local and regional measures in Moldova, implemented in August – October 2018, was presented in November 2018.


The analysis was developed within the initiative „Promoting transparency and financial sustainability of regional policies, state-owned enterprises and local authorities in Moldova", implemented by IDIS "Viitorul",  in partnership with the Institute for Economic and Social Reforms in Slovakia (INEKO). The initiative is financially supported by the SlovakAid. It aims to improve the efficiency of the state administration, self-government and civil society in the area of creation and control of regional policies, administration of state-owned enterprises, and monitoring of budgets and information openness of municipalities.

For details, contact Ana – Maria Veverița: or at the phone number  (0 22) 221844.

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