The Drama of the Republic of Moldova: Young people flee the country

Most of the Moldovan youth choose to leave the country. This is also confirmed by the statistical data showing that the generation of young people is steadily decreasing. These are young people aged 15-19, the share of which in the total number of young people decreased in five years, from 31.8% in 2009 to 26.0% in 2014. The official data referred to in 15 minutes of economic realism ", the journalist, Vlad Bercu.

At least 30-40 thousand young people go to study abroad, many of whom are no longer home, according to unofficial estimates based on scholarships offered by host countries, teaches abroad 135.5 thousand young people going abroad to work. On January 1, 2017, the share of the population under the working age was 17.0 percent, according to the NBS.

Young people who choose to leave the Republic of Moldova are looking for a better-paid job or going to study, while others are sick of the way the state institutions work. If they do not go well after they leave, many do not return home, but move to a richer country, according to analysts of sociologists. A sociological study by Magenta Consulting shows that when they make the decision to engage, young people in most cases expect a salary of 5,000 lei, although they are aware that the employer's offer will be no more than 4,000 of lei. The same study finds that faculty graduates would not accept salaries of less than 5,000 lei, in reality, the wages offered are much lower for young people.

"Only one in five young people found a job right after finishing their studies, more than a quarter dropped their first job in the first year of employment because of low wages, and 17.7% of young people left to work abroad. For comparison, young Europeans face a number of challenges: such as unemployment, limited access to education or training, poverty, low participation and representation of young people in the democratic process, and various health problems, "Vlad explained. Bercu.

Unemployment is the main cause that drives young people out of the country. Thus, four out of ten unemployed are young, so the analysis of the youth share among all unemployed confirms their vulnerability to employment. The data also show that in terms of coverage with doctors, the Republic of Moldova has reached the most critical level in the last 20 years - 29.0 per 10,000 population and the ratio has not been so small since 1997. In the European states, coverage is at least 33.0 per 10,000 people.

Why should the departure of young people, especially in studies, be disturbed? Because many of them do not come back to the country. And this while, for example, we have 2000 vacancies for doctors. There is also an Association of Moldovan doctors from Portugal. Hundreds of doctors from the Republic of Moldova work in Romania. A devastating situation in terms of staffing with staff is in education.

According to the National Youth Development Strategy 2020, among the most pressing issues directly targeting young people are low participation and youth indifference; poor economic situation; limited access to education and training, and political instability. And if young people leave, it means that these issues remain unresolved. Many of those who do think that Moldova has no future.

In conclusion, journalist Vlad Bercu said that the demographic situation in the Republic of Moldova is catastrophic. Children are born less and by the year 2050 one third of the population of Moldova will be elders. In the next period, the demographic decline will be hard to stop.

The show is made by IDIS "Viitorul" in partnership with Radio Free Europe.

For further details, please contact the press officer, Victor URSU, at the following address: or 069017396.