Lack of transparency increases the cost of purchases. Contracting authorities are open but have limited capacities

Transparency of public procurement is a guarantee of efficient and legal use of public resources and is an essential condition for integrity and lack of corruption in public procurement. Transparency supports the consolidation of a public procurement process. The contracting authorities, who actively participated today in the open workshop, are unsatisfied with the inadequacy of the training and guidance to provide support for the legal framework and subsequent changes: conducting procurement procedures and monitoring implementation of contracts.

"Transparency generates competition, and competition generates savings. The econometric analyzes carried out in the framework of impact studies at European level have shown that a small but stable rise in the level of transparency in public procurement leads to tangible savings. Thus, the publication of a contract notice generates savings of 1.2% compared to situations where no advertisements or other information related to a contract have been published ", explained trainer Diana Enachi at the workshop.

It recommends the use of electronic tools to ensure transparency and openness of data in public procurement, including, which will involve different actors in the public procurement system through active participation, feedback and application of monitoring mechanisms Of how public money is spent.

In turn, Viorel Chivriga, program director of IDIS Viitorul, said that the premise of the emergence of open contract was generated by the lack of transparency in the procurement process, corruption at different stages of the process and at different levels, poor monitoring of the implementation of contracts, Public revenue is not generated, allocated and rationally spent, positive experience is not widely disseminated, free competition is depressed.

Local authorities said that they often do not have the necessary training and experience in procurement, and large contracts are won by some and the same companies. "This is due to the fact that specialists working in public procurement are not motivated and migrate to the private sector."

The workshop was organized by IDIS Viitorul in the framework of the project: "Development of open contracting in Moldova through information and capacity building activities for participants in the public procurement process through developing information and capacity building for participants in the public procurement process Procurement process ", financed by the World Bank.