Better life, promised to business, remained on paper

Reducing controls and the number of permissive acts is an issue that concerns the business world. Issuing a permissive act requires time and money and puts pressure on business. The regulatory reform began 13 years ago and continues now, and in 2016 the Government of Philip started a much more ambitious reform than the previous one (guillotine one, guillotine two) aimed at reducing the number of permissive acts and control institutions. It is the opinion expressed by journalist Vlad Bercu in the show "15 minutes of economic realism".

"Although, after dozens of acts were put under guillotine in 2004-2011, ministries have adopted other acts, which are a new burden on businessmen, and control bodies have put more pressure on business," he said. Said Vlad Bercu.

If in 2004, when the Guillotine was started, there were 400 permissive acts, then in 2016, when the Government of the Philipp initiated the reduction of the control bodies and the abrogation of permissive documents, there are found to be over 400 permissive documents, of which 90 per cent Have no justification.

We can cancel a law, we can optimize the number of control bodies, but we can not change the mentality of those working in institutions and have been accustomed to asking for bribes, to put in place checks. The last year's arrests of civil servants show that the official's craving to squeeze bribes from the businessman persists. Reducing the number of control bodies will not have the expected result, if the number of cadres is not reduced and the mentality of the control institutions changed, the very essence of these controls has changed.

"Recently, the government has published statistics showing that planned checks have been drastically reduced. In 2017, the first quarter was less than eight thousand compared to 13,000 in the same period of 2014. The problem is that authorities do not refer to total controls on private companies, which makes us believe that the number of controls has not diminished " Bercu said.

In 2016, we had a moratorium on the checks, 115 permissive acts were canceled, but a World Bank study launched in March 2017 that businessmen are unhappy despite creating one-stop shops and reducing controls. Only 13% of the surveyed companies find a real improvement in the business environment and 60% say they are stepping up on the spot.

Every control, permissible act means corruption, and the effect of these decisions taken by the Government is very small. Although the government is announcing changes, business people continue to argue that electronic governance, the one-stop shop, which is being discussed for years, should be improved. Institutions that put pressure on businessmen are the ANSA and the Fiscal Inspectorate.

"Following the Government's reform, which will last in time, there will be a real merger of control institutions. The problem is that we could just mention ANSA, which is a real mastodon created by the reorganization of three institutions. The effects are to be seen in time. It is premature to talk about the results, given the poor example of reforms with guillotines, "Bercu concluded.

The show is made by IDIS Viitorul in partnership with Radio Free Europe.